Traversing the complexity of the psychospiritual and altered states technologies.
Traversing the complexity of the psychospiritual and altered states technologies:
By Drew Grant
In this shadow do we have a shadow, is that reflection just an illusion of what we wish to see. Maybe it is just drifting extrinsically beyond the photoreceptive cells of the spiritual retina of the third eye. If our bareness, our naked selves of our core is exposed to the rawest of elements of what we have hidden away, what delusion may come forward, will that neurosis transform into psychosis. Will those memories cast aside or will the torment inflicted upon the sanctuary of our souls and unhealthy indoctrination to drive our survival mechanisms, fight, flight or freeze. And if I open my soul to endure these cognitive biases, will the cognitive dissonance create a frontal assault upon thy psyche and can thou endure the visions of the past? Can we stand strong when we are faced with what is called opprobrium, Can we dwell in that sorrow and survive those clandestine inflictions? If we solve the riddle, will the answer just be as cryptic as the question. If truth and honesty in the self can be guided with authenticity in a safe space, all that is clandestine is revealed, maybe not all, maybe parts in segments of times through multiple journeys , maybe that will bring us to view a new perspective of the perceived time that we spend in a subjective phenomenological state or altered state of consciousness. Is it more than we actually realise, we could be gaining or losing faster than we realise in a spiritual metaphysical way and in our cognitive rationalism. When the cortex is stripped we discover that the nonlinear is purely masquerading as a linear paradox, the macrocosmic becomes the microcosmic of the subjective and objective universes ,widening the perceived spectrum of consciousness in these altered states. We could be coming back from a meditation ,Qlippoth journey or an underworld journey with more than we realise, we have effectively been downloading, receiving gnosis, using a modern computer term we have downloaded hidden files that interact with our main systems or we are able to unlock the hidden memories we have created within our own minds with this gnostic software and retrieve the missing illumination, those shards of our soul we have unintentionally excarnated. We have peeled back some unknown section of the puzzle of the unconscious mind, the shadow is seen within the abyss and it reveals the truth behind our suppressed Chaoskampf that lingers in our psyche. Traveling the Qlippoth or an Underworld journey can be used as a holistic approach to challenge and heal traumatic events that cause dissociative amnesia or even as a creative experimental therapy within the transpersonal psychology paradigm, it becomes more powerful when combining it with methods of Holotropic breathwork or other breathing techniques . We can unpack the story of the journey and create a myth , using narrative psychotherapy we can transform this experience through rituals and ceremonies into something healing and transforming.