Furfur as a shamanic power animal
Many a child has been hypnotised by the Christmas story of Rudolph the ‘red’ nosed Reindeer, which of a tale the Thirty-fourth Succubus of the Goetia called Furfur, refers to, whom initially manifests amidst the Triangle of Art imagination as a Reindeer with a fiery ‘red’ tail. When a bright eyed child to grow up, becoming as a square headed adult, Rudolph, becomes as a mere fable, just a childhoo...d recollection of opening up branded presents around a brand of a Christmas tree. But at a far deeper level of the collective unconscious the Christmas tree refers to the multiverse world tree of the horned shaman. The multiverse world tree in old Norse was called Yggdrassill, upon which the Norse shaman deity named, Odin hung himself into trance, so that he could travel the tree of worlds from within his lucid dreams. The Saxon’s knew Odin as Woden, who the Christian’s later equated with St Nicholas, or to otherwise castigate as being Old Nick of a fiery ‘red’ horned Devil of Yin and Yang horns, whom as a Reindeer horned shaman, when attaining trance ingress, Yin and Yang becomes as the Tao of a Sahasrara crown. St Nicholas of an Old Nick or Santa Claus, whom was originally Odin/Woden indicates an ancient shamanic legacy from out of North Central Asia unto Siberia. A Siberian shaman would recognise Furfur as a shamanic power animal, which in the Goetia is a powerful Great Countess of the fifth planetary dimensional sphere of volcanic Mars, who rules over twenty-nine legions of Succubae. She initially manifests as a Reindeer with the breasts and arms of a woman, having Bat-like Nightgaunt wings, which allows her to carry her master throughout the myriad parallel universes of the multiverse world tree; for she initiates an out of body experience. Her tail, as mentioned, is often described as being on fire of arcing electric sparks, whom speaks with a seductive voice. She then assumes the form of a most beautiful Reindeer horned woman, who will willingly make love to her master as his spirit wife within his lucid erotic dreams, whom is highly versed in love magic, stirring shamanic visions of Siberia. She can also raise lightning, thunder and great tempestuous electrical storms against her master’s enemies, whether they be temporal or spiritual. When commanded, she answers, both of remote-viewed secret and also of divine matters. She will initiate surrealistic visions until she is compelled into the Triangle of Art vision of her master; though such visions will be inspiring of shamanic artistry. Her name of Furfur, of mundane meaning, and that of an occult blind, means dandruff, indicating an experience of itching all over the body, like a prickly heat. However, the name Furfur refers to her bestowing the ability of generating an internal heat, which is termed Tummo in Yoga. You can thereby gauge that such practice is integral to the shamanic practices of the far North, which enables a horned shaman to survive the freezing conditions under the pole star crowning the neural-net world tree of his axis-mundi spinal column. The practice of which, as previously noted, initially initiates a sensation of a dandruff itch all over the body. This initial phase is to do with the shedding of the ego, which then leads to a sensation of growing ‘fur,’ as if there is a ‘fiery’ energy pouring out of every pore of the skin before the shaman senses that his body has become as pure light.