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From the Duat to the Kabbalah to the Qlippoth : How it is all Egyptian.

From the Duat to the Kabbalah to the Qlippoth : How it is all Egyptian.

The Kabbalah is said to be a Hebrew magick system of great power, Moses from the stories of the Torah or also known as the Five Books of Moses or the Pentateuch, used this power of the Kabbalah to escape from the pursuing Egyptian army. But the origins of the Kabbalah are in fact based on the Egyptian spiritual journey system of the Duat. Those of the Egyptian monarch and priest’s of the temples where trained to travel the Duat through meditation and the use of certain herbs that help create altered states of consciousness.

What has been held clandestine by many Egyptian based Magikal orders and societies often makes its way to the surface of normal society by today’s scientists or well educated writers and journalists.

This is such the case when it comes to the theory’s of Graham Hancock and the Egyptian Duat, The Duat is the realm of the god Osiris and the residence of other gods and supernatural beings. One does not need to simulate the great pyramid or take psychedelic drugs to travel the Duat, One can travel the Duat through meditation and breathing methods similar to those used to access the Qlippoth. Kenneth Grant’s approach to the tunnels of the Qlippoth, the Tunnels of Set are also connected to many elements of the Duat and Kenneth Grant’s work is recommended to read to understand this in more depth.

Many abrahamic and followers of Thelema have said that Kenneth Grant’s approach was wrong, Kenneth Grant was pretty correct if looking at it as an underworld aspect traveling the Duat and that is what I view the Sephiroth is, stolen by Moses in the exodus and changed into the Jewish Sephiroth and forms of it we have today, so I see the Grant's working closer to the real Sephiroth (The Duat) and the Qlippoth something else entirely.

But many don't like that Grant changed and altered away from Crowley's Liber 231. I have undergone restructuring the 22 subjective paths that connect pairs of the Qlippoth together and working on my own shadow aspects of the 22 cards in the Major Arcana of the Tarot from my own Qlippoth workings and interactions with the daemons in the tunnels, I will cover this in another article.

I also see that when traveling the Duat aspect of the underworld it would be advantage to have Set by your side as per Ra did, to ward off the aspects or balance even the primordial chaos of Apep. One should be with and have an understanding of their HDA or HGA or personal Luciferi when traversing the Qlippoth and understand the premise of spiritual predatorism / vampirism.

But I must say one doesn't have to stop and journey through the tunnels of the Qlippoth, in the earliest versions of the Jewish Sephirtoh there is no connection to the tarot deck. Over time the Kabbalah Tree of Life has had a number offshoots / different versions for e.g. Hermetic Qabalah / Kabbalah, Thelema Tree of Life, Christian Kabbalah.

So one can traverse the Qlippoth: Scales of the black serpent from sphere to sphere, Malkuth: Black Earth- Nahememoth,Lilith to Yesod: Black Moon-Lilith, Gamaliel to Hod:Blackened Fire of Mercury- Samael, Adramelech and onwards. But once you're adept you can easily just focus on a certain sphere for what it's purpose is.

Back to the Duat:

In the top register (the top image), there are twelve gods bowing in adoration who are named as "those who make adoration's in the Duat". They are followed by twelve gods holding a surveying cord to allot both space (in the form of a field or estate) and time (represented by the serpent and the shen in the bottom register). They are named 'Holders of the cord in the Duat'. Finally, there are four 'henbi' gods (overseers), each holding the symbol of life in his right hand and a scepter in the left.

In the practice of the Qlippoth the use of the Kundalini or Ahrimanic Yoga and mediation is used to travel the spheres. Each sphere in the Qlippoth relates to certain deities and entities which align with and corresponds to the Chakra spheres and as spoken about above the shadow aspects of the 22 cards in the Major Arcana of the Tarot that connect to the tunnels of the Qlippoth .

These meditation methods can cause altered states through the release of DMT within our own brains. Sometimes the use of breathing techniques will create hyperventilation also creating altered states and the ability to retrieve valuable gnosis.

This method of Yoga is nothing new - it is derived in practice from Kundalini Yoga, the raising the serpents of Ida and Pingala through / entwining upwards through each chakra. In Kundalni Yoga, the "Devi", essentially the spirit, is represented as the fire serpent which illuminates the mind and the spirit of the practitioner, advancing the initiate towards states of ecstasy and a perception of inner power. The difference between the traditional Right Hand Path Kundalini Yoga and Ahrimanic Yoga is by all accounts found in purpose rather than practice.

The Kundalini or Serpent in the power of fire, which by Zoroastrian accounts is purity incarnate. In the Manichaean heretical view, Fire is both of Light and Darkness, still representing power. The primal energy of the Druj (Dragon or Serpent) is found within the body and mind first. For the Adept to realise the path in the Ahrimanic ideology, he or she must be certain that all begins with the self as the point of beginning and end. In the practice of Magick, there are no others within the circle - man or women is alone, as within the grave and abyss, where he or she becomes or is devoured.

I consider the Kundalini / Blind dragon to be an intersex archetype of Speech,thus finding connection with the concept of the "Dushukhta" found in the Yatuk Dinoih, relating to "Evil Word" by the planning of ones' own words, to create a desired effect. The Adept arouses the Pingala / Lilith and Ida /Samael serpents by the use of vibration and meditation, to clear a pathway through the chakras, so when the blind dragon awakens the pathway is clear form somatic and psychological blockages, I see the blind dragon as the primal force that comes together and unites with the Pingala / Lilith and Ida /Samael serpents for them to mate and releases the energy to create a quantum disruption that has the potential to bring forth something from the subjective universe into the objected universe.

Kundalini is also considered consciousness, thus the blinddragon is the Mind rising up and fully connecting and engaging the Mercurian consciousness . When seeking to Awaken the Kundalini, you may envision firstly the Black and Red Serpents within, they are both Samael and Lilith, or Ahriman and Az, desire and strength, intertwining - both are the form of the Adversary within.

Working with these archetypal forces is ideal to create defense mechanisms whilst traveling the astral dimension or for spiritual predatorism / Vamperism, raising the serpents when needed to absorb subtle energies on a small scale, it is through this mechanism that but on a larger scale that is used awaken the blind dragon and creating a unity between all three serpents to drain energy from the universe or devour other archetypal Egregores.

The rise of Moses:

The birth of Moses occurred at a time when the current Egyptian monarch had commanded that all male children born to Hebrew captives should be killed by drowning in the Nile River. The Torah leaves the identity of this Pharaoh unstated, but he is widely believed to be Ramses II; other, earlier pharaohs have also been suggested including a Hyksos pharaoh or one shortly after the Hyksos had been expelled.

Jochebed, the wife (and paternal aunt) of the Levite Amram, bore a son, and kept him concealed for three months. When she could keep him hidden no longer, rather than deliver him to be killed she set him adrift on the Nile River in a small craft of bulrushes coated in pitch. The daughter of Pharaoh discovered the baby and adopted him as her son, and named him "Moses" (Which means "to draw out").

By Biblical account, Moses' sister Miriam observed the progress of the tiny boat. Miriam then asked Pharaohs daughter if she would like a Hebrew woman to nurse the baby. Thereafter, Jochebed was employed as the child's nurse, and he grew and was brought to Pharaohs daughter and became her son.

Being the son of the Pharaohs daughter, Moses was given the highest of education, with the access to gain knowledge and study what he wished. Moses would be educated in the Egyptian magick arts and travelling the Duat by the High Priests of the temples and grew to become a gifted student, Moses was an Egyptian in the eyes of his adopted family, the son of Princess Thermutis, this is unquestioned today. It follows almost as a matter of course that he was versed in all the wisdom of the Egyptians.

'Mighty in words' means not only that Moses knew the words of power but also that he was able to utter them with the correct intonation, which was a supremely important detail, in fact an essential of the spoken spells and evocations. When he was first sent upon his mission he endeavour to excuse himself, and said, 'I am slow of speech, and of a slow tongue'. It would almost appear from narrative (Exodus iv) that he feared he was not able to utter the mystic mantras in the right tone, and he was chidden for his diffidence.

But under pressure Moses was able to reach with-in and trust in the power he could summon, By Adapting the Kabbalah to the way he wished to wheel it. When the Hebrews emigrated (as in the exodus) from Egypt during the XIX Dynasty, they raided the Priests Temples and took with them a number of things including a caricature of Set and the original scripts of the system to travel the Duat.

When Moses parted the Red Sea, he used a very powerful spiritual technology. He had possession of a formula that literally gave access to the subatomic realm of nature. Fleeing the Egyptians, the Israelites were cornered on the banks of the Red Sea. Pharaoh and his Army raced toward them, bent on their total annihilation.

Suddenly the Red Sea parted, producing two massive walls that reached to the sky. According to the Zohar, all the waters of the Earth split and rose toward the heavens. And the Israelites raced off to freedom. When Pharaoh and his army were approaching, Moses had cried out to God for help.

The Zohar teaches that God replied with a mysterious question: "Why are you calling to me?" Concealed within this question is a profound spiritual truth. God did not part the Red Sea! In fact, God was surprised that Moses even called upon Him at that moment. But if God did not part the waters, who did? The Israelites did escape. And, yes, The Red Sea (and all the waters of the earth) did part magnificently.

But God didn't do it. When God asked Moses why he was calling on him, God was implying that Moses and the Israelites had the power to part The Red Sea on their own. In fact, Kabbalistic sages explained that the Red Sea did not part until the waters had reached the nostrils of the Israelites. And then, when the waters rushed into their throats, The Israelites relinquished control and demonstrated certainty in a positive out come. They put their lives into the hands of the light. A split second later, they were breathing fresh air as the waters parted and rose toward the heavens.

Here is an example of the Duat or Kabbalah Magikal system in work used by the Egyptian High Priest Magik user Zazamankh: From the Ancient Egyptian text The Golden Lotus Then Zazamankh stood at the stern of the Royal Boat and began to chant great spells and words of power. And presently he held out his wand over the water, and the lake parted as if apiece had been cut out of it with a great sword.

The lake here was twenty feet deep, and the piece of water that the magician moved rose up and set itself upon the surface of the lake so that there was a cliff of water on that side forty feet high.

Now the Royal Boat slid gently down into the great cleft in the lake until it rested on the bottom. On the side towards the forty-foot cliff of water there was a great open space where the bottom of the lake lay uncovered, as firm and dry as the land itself. And there, just below the stern of the Royal Boat, lay the golden lotus. With a cry of joy the maiden who had lost it sprang over the side on to the firm ground, picked it up and set it once more in her hair.

Then she climbed swiftly back into the Royal Boat and took the steering oar into her hands once more. Zazamankh slowly lowered his rod, and the Royal Boat slid up the side of the water until it was level with the surface once more.

Then at another word of power, and as if drawn by the magician's rod, the great piece of water slid back into place, and the evening breeze rippled the still surface of the lake as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened.

But the heart of Pharaoh Seneferu rejoiced and was filled with wonder, and he cried: 'Zazamankh, my brother, you are the greatest and wisest of magicians! Moses adapted thestolen Duat system to serve his propose and created the Hebrew Kabbalah most people know of today.

The are many systems of the Kabbalah today including: Lurianic Kabbalah Sabbatean Kabbalah A lot of magik systems today have embraced and adapted the Kabbalah System and built off it to create there own.

St.Stephen, before the Council (Acts vii, 22), proclaimed how 'Moses' was learned in all the wisdom of the Egyptians, and was mighty in words and in deeds'.

The history of the prophet and legislator shows that he had been trained by the priests in every branch of magic and occult lore, and, like Aba-aner and King Nectanebus, and indeed all other Egyptian magicians like Zazamankh, he and Aaron possessed a rod which was the instrument they employed for working their wonders. To give only one instance in Egypt, when Moses stretched out his rod over the land, locusts went up from the East and rested in all the coasts of Egypt, very grievous were they; before them there were no such locusts as they, neither after them shall be such.

Again, in the desert, when the people thirsted for water, Moses smote with the same rod the rock in Horeb and water gushed out abundantly so that the people drank. At Rephidim, when Amalek came up against Israel, Moses said: 'I will stand on the top of the hill with the rod, and Israel prevailed. But when in weariness he let down his hand, Amalek prevailed. So he sat upon a stone, whilst Aaron and Hur, the one on the one side, and the other on the other side, stayed up his hands. And he held the rod outstretched, and his hands were steady until the going down of the sun. And Amalek was discomfited utterly. The rod, then, was an instrument of magical power, of, divine magic, Duat or Kabbalah Magikal system. Moses adapted the stolen Duat or Kabbalah Magikal system to serve his purpose and created the Hebrew Kabbalah most people know of today. The are many systems of the Kabbalah today.

Moses an

Ahmed Osman in his book Moses and Akhenaten, states:

The Bible and the Koran speak of Moses being born in Egypt, brought up in the pharaonic royal palace, and leading the Israelites in their Exodus to Canaan. In historical terms, when did Moses live, and who was the Pharaoh of Oppression? Now that archaeologists have been able to uncover the mysteries of ancient history, we need to find answers to these questions. Egyptian born Ahmed Osman, believes that he has been able to find the answers for these questions which bewildered scholars for centuries. He claims that Moses of the Bible is no other than King Akhenaten who ruled Egypt for 17 years in the mid-14th century BC.

During his reign, the Pharaoh Akhenaten was able to abolish the complex pantheon of the ancient Egyptian religion and replace it with a single God, Aten, who had no image or form. Seizing on the striking similarities between the religious vision of Akhenaten and the teachings of Moses, Now Ahmed Osman, using recent archaeological discoveries and historical documents, contends that Akhenaten and Moses were one and the same person.

In a stunning retelling of the Exodus story, Osman details the events of Moses/Akhenaten’s life: how he was brought up by Israelite relatives, ruled Egypt for seventeen years, angered many of his subjects by replacing the traditional Egyptian pantheon with worship of Aten, and was forced to abdicate the throne. Retreating to exile in Sinai with his Egyptian and Israelite supporters, he died out of the sight of his followers, presumably at the hands of Seti I, after an unsuccessful attempt to regain his throne.

Osman reveals the Egyptian components in the monotheism preached by Moses as well as his use of Egyptian royal and Egyptian religious expression. He shows that even the Ten Commandments betray the direct influence of Spell 125 in the Egyptian Book of the Dead. Osman’s book, provides a radical challenge to the long-standing beliefs concerning the origin of Semitic religion and the puzzle of Akhenaten’s deviation from ancient Egyptian tradition. In fact, if Osman’s contentions are right, many major Old Testament figures would be of Egyptian origin.

Osman identifies with the writings of Sigrid Freud and his book 'Moses and Monotheism', In this book Sigrid Freud suggests an almost identical connection.

The Kabbalistic influence

A lot of magical systems today have embraced and adapted the Kabbalah and Qlippoth System and built off it to create there own. One of the great proponents of meditative Kabbalah was R. Abraham Abulafia (1240-1296). The mystical school he headed was primarily interested in a method of reaching higher meditative states. He believed that through his method of meditation, one was able to attain a level of prophecy. He proposed using a writing mantra, meaning instead of the usual verbal or visual mantra, one should write a word repeatedly over and over again in various styles and configurations. One should attempt to alter the sequence of the word and to permute and cycle the letters of the word in every which way possible: combining and separating the letters, composing entire new motifs of letters, grouping them and then joining them with other groups, and so on. This was done until one attained a heightened state of consciousness.

Some of the above details and information about Moses and the Israelites Has been taken from Yehuda Berg's book The Power Of The Kabbalah, as well Texts from Ancient Kabbalistic sages and from the two essential books for the Hebrew Kabbalah the Sefer Yetsirah, Book of Creation (Dates from the 2nd Century AD, and the Zohar, Book of Splender (written by Moses de Leon in the late 13th Century).

This has extended into the modern forms of Hermetic Qabalah and from occultists such as MacGregor Mathers and Crowley, Regardie, and Heidrick exploring greatly into the qlipothic tree. Modern occultists like Kenneth Grant have made superior systems that have been replicated by many Occult and Magic Orders.


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